A multilingual, multimedia new physical theatre show created by international performance-makers Nhung Company.
In a shadowy dreamscape of shimmering nostalgia and ancestral ghosts an entire lifetime plays out in fast forward, overflowing with the quiet tragedies and ecstatic joys of daily existence. Plunging physically and poetically into the depths of identity, HOMELAND asks what exactly makes up a life - your life, my life, all of our lives - and who we might become on our long, long journey from birth to death.
Directed by Nhung Dang
Performers: Donald Craigie, Nhung Dang, Joana Simões, Taro Troupe
Movement Direction: Eva Urbanova
Text: Sammy Metcalfe & collective
Music and Sound: Huyen Vi Tranová, Veronika Hurtová, Sammy Metcalfe
Financially supported by Státní fond kultury ČR and Nadace Život umělce. Supported by Kulturní centrum Vozovna, Venuše ve Švehlovce, CO.LABS, Divadlo na cucky.